It’s Not Too Late!!!
January 23, 2020

I’m going to be an astronaut when I grow up,” the child says. “Sure, you can be whatever you want to be,” the parent responds. Finally, adulthood arrives – with setbacks and difficulties. Suddenly, the dream seems like a beautiful far away star that is unreachable. Even still, little ones have such a simple, pure, and unwavering faith. Anything seems possible, from becoming wealthy to traveling to outer space. Unfortunately, as we get older, life’s hardships or failures have a way of sucking the dreams out of us and downloading the limitation mind set. However, there are many people of the past and present who ditched the limitation mind set and decided that they could still accomplish their dreams and desires at any age. Checkout the following list of some of those great dreamers…

  • Gary Heavin – He was bankrupt and sentenced to jail in his twenties, but after rededicating his life to God he found success. In a CBN interview he stated, “I finally got on my knees and said, ‘God, I lived the first half of my life by my will and it’s a mess. I’m going to turn the rest of my life over to You.” He later founded the fitness chain Curves at age 37.
  • Smith Wigglesworth – He began a successful Healing and Evangelist ministry at age 51.
  • Richard Adams – He published Watership Down, a children’s literary classic at age 52.
  • Grandma Moses – She became an American folk artist who started painting at age 78.
  • Abraham & Sarah –Their first child was born when Abraham was 100 and Sarah 90.
  • Moses – Accepted the assignment to be The Leader & Deliverer of the Israelites at age 80.


This list is encouraging, but how do we get beyond where we are to where we want to go? Below are several sure-fire ways to lay a strong foundation for obtaining your dreams and goals – at any age!

1) Dream Again – Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal or reignite the desire. Then, brainstorm ideas – no matter how big or challenging. Think about the aspirations you have always wanted to do, or could do, if there weren’t any barriers to overcome. Set aside a time each day to close your eyes and dream about your future.

2) Put Feet To Your Faith – Once you believe you can do something and are dedicated, set daily action steps to work toward your dream. The Bible says that “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:17). It’s not just enough to believe you can do – you must take the actions needed as well.

3) Don’t Quit! – Embrace the gift of life. Seize the moment and diligently work on the vision God has placed in your heart while you have a chance. You only have one life to live. Persevere to make it the best that it can be! The realization of your dreams is in your hands! You CAN do all things through Christ which is your strength. (Philippians 4:13) IT’S NOT TOO LATE!!!

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