The Worry Gene
“Oh I know something bad is going to happen!” exclaimed the lady I was talking to who admitted that she had trouble with worrying too much. “I guess I have the worry gene”, she said.
“Oh I know something bad is going to happen!” exclaimed the lady I was talking to who admitted that she had trouble with worrying too much. “I guess I have the worry gene”, she said.
Have you ever woken up with a bad mood? No one had said anything to you yet. You hadn’t interacted with the spouse, the children, or your boss yet. You just simply didn’t feel like dealing with the challenges of the day. All you really wanted to do was put the covers back over your head and go back to sleep.
I’m going to be an astronaut when I grow up,” the child says. “Sure, you can be whatever you want to be,” the parent responds. Finally, adulthood arrives – with setbacks and difficulties. Suddenly, the dream seems like a beautiful far away star that is unreachable. Even still, little ones have such a simple, pure,
My heart was pounding. I was scared!!!!! I couldn’t believe what she was asking me to do. Was she serious? Maybe it was a joke. Surely she didn’t say what I thought she said! However, I had a choice to make. Would I allow the fear of my past stop me from moving forward. Would
While watching TV, I heard a story about a woman who decided to sky dive for her 100th birthday. Her children, who were in their seventies, thought she was crazy. However, the great, great grandchildren thought she was cool. What a remarkable lady! Most people wouldn’t have had the courage to face that kind of
“Oh I know something bad is going to happen!” exclaimed the lady I was talking to who admitted that she had trouble with worrying too much. “I guess I have the worry gene”, she said.
Have you ever woken up with a bad mood? No one had said anything to you yet. You hadn’t interacted with the spouse, the children, or your boss yet. You just simply didn’t feel like dealing with the challenges of the day. All you really wanted to do was put the covers back over your head and go back to sleep.
I’m going to be an astronaut when I grow up,” the child says. “Sure, you can be whatever you want to be,” the parent responds. Finally, adulthood arrives – with setbacks and difficulties. Suddenly, the dream seems like a beautiful far away star that is unreachable. Even still, little ones have such a simple, pure,
My heart was pounding. I was scared!!!!! I couldn’t believe what she was asking me to do. Was she serious? Maybe it was a joke. Surely she didn’t say what I thought she said! However, I had a choice to make. Would I allow the fear of my past stop me from moving forward. Would
While watching TV, I heard a story about a woman who decided to sky dive for her 100th birthday. Her children, who were in their seventies, thought she was crazy. However, the great, great grandchildren thought she was cool. What a remarkable lady! Most people wouldn’t have had the courage to face that kind of
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