Category: Offesnse Series

Offenses Against God

Some people are worried about what others think of them when they should be concerned about what God thinks. He is the sovereign and Holy God, the Creator of morality and truth.  In Acts 4:19, Apostles Peter and John ask, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the

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The preacher stepped on my toes with their sermon. I don’t like it,” some have said.  My response is don’t be angry at the messenger. Take it up with the one who sent the message. In fact, I strongly encourage you to bring your Bible to church and follow along while someone is teaching a biblical

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The Cost of Unforgiveness

When a person is offended or wounded, forgiveness is usually not the first word that pops into their mind.  Crushed or infuriated, a propensity to justify hanging on to the anger is common. However, to receive freedom in your soul and purity in your hearts, cling to forgiveness.  Unforgiveness works like cancer – a deadly disease

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Restoring Relationships

We get upset when people have said or done something to us that we do not like, but how do we respond when we realize that we have offended or hurt others?  Choice One: We ignore what we have done and hope the person forgets about it.  Choice Two: We get into a bigger confrontation with the person

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Help – I’m Offended!

How many times a day do we get easily offended by what we hear and see? It seems like it really does not take much to tick us off, especially with our family members.  Drive in your car for a few minutes and road rage starts bubbling up.   Get on social media, and from one

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Offenses Against God

Some people are worried about what others think of them when they should be concerned about what God thinks. He is the sovereign and Holy God, the Creator of morality and truth.  In Acts 4:19, Apostles Peter and John ask, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the

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The preacher stepped on my toes with their sermon. I don’t like it,” some have said.  My response is don’t be angry at the messenger. Take it up with the one who sent the message. In fact, I strongly encourage you to bring your Bible to church and follow along while someone is teaching a biblical

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The Cost of Unforgiveness

When a person is offended or wounded, forgiveness is usually not the first word that pops into their mind.  Crushed or infuriated, a propensity to justify hanging on to the anger is common. However, to receive freedom in your soul and purity in your hearts, cling to forgiveness.  Unforgiveness works like cancer – a deadly disease

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Restoring Relationships

We get upset when people have said or done something to us that we do not like, but how do we respond when we realize that we have offended or hurt others?  Choice One: We ignore what we have done and hope the person forgets about it.  Choice Two: We get into a bigger confrontation with the person

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Help – I’m Offended!

How many times a day do we get easily offended by what we hear and see? It seems like it really does not take much to tick us off, especially with our family members.  Drive in your car for a few minutes and road rage starts bubbling up.   Get on social media, and from one

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